Support and Help
Support the elephant farm and its residents!
Together we can do good.
Support the elephant farm and its residents!
Together we can do good.
Support and Help
Your donation is priceless: even with a small amount you can actively help with our work.
Not only feeding and care, but also investments in modernizing, converting and building new facilities are very cost-intensive. The well-being of our animals, species-appropriate husbandry and facilities that meet the latest zoological requirements are our top priority.
Our donation account for a transfer:
IBAN: DE 12 1606 0122 0010 3089 00
Zahlungsempfänger: Elefantenhof Platschow
Kreditinstitut: Volks- und Raiffeisenbank Prignitz
Zahlungsvermerk: Spende Elefantenhof Platschow
Our animal residents and the team at the Platschow Elephant Farm say: Thank you so much for your support!
Note: It is not possible to issue a donation receipt.